Michelle’s Pumpkin Pecan White Chocolate Scones

Michelle’s Maple Nut Oat Scones
I first made these in a friend’s dorm in New York City for Thanksgiving Day breakfast along with the next scone recipe. I wanted a cheaper way to eat my favorite Starbucks scones.

Michelle’s Buttermilk Pancakes

Nick’s Spanish American Tortilla
Even better heated up the next day!

Michelle’s Breakfast Pizza

Mary’s Egg & Sausage Casserole
Since Mom can’t remember what recipe she used…. This is an amalgamation of a few recipes found online to recreate what the post-Church casserole tasted like.

Mary’s All-Bran Muffins
This is literally right from the back of the cereal box. I remember we thought as kids that this cereal look liked mouse turds. And we knew what those looked like because there were a few little mice running around the house every winter!